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1. .. : . . . : 08.00.12 / .. . , 2016. 213 .

2. .. / .. , . . // 2017 : / . . - . , . . . . : - ǒ, 2017. . 279-384.

3. .. . - ̆ ̆: ̆ -̆ , 8-9 2016. / ̆ . , Lj , 2017.  .398-405.

4. 2020 : 17.04.2012 . 559-: // : .- . - URL: http://www.consultant.ru



Soboleva D.V.

Graduate student of the Department of Economics, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia, soboleva.darya.2014@mail.ru

Kozlova E.I.,

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia, kozlova.e.i@rzlvs.com

Novak M.A.

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia, ferz235@mail.ru

Abstract. The article considers the state of the domestic baking industry. Priority directions of bakery products production in Lipetsk region are substantiated.
Keywords: bakery production, dynamics of the bakery production market, trends in the development of the bakery industry.




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